Welcome to Math Class!

Elizabeth Kaye


860-645-1234 ext. 135

Latesheia Bacchus


860-645-1234 ext. 138

Google Classroom

(Click on your grade level below to go to our Google Classroom page and find out what we did in class today!)

Grade 7

Grade 8

General Information

Together, we will work to develop the fundamental math skills that are necessary for you to succeed both academically and in daily life. The curriculum we use is based on a comprehensive teaching program called Eureka Math, which has been proven to help students learn how to do mathematics while also developing a true understanding of why each method is used. This approach has been shown to foster student learning and to help students feel confident about their mathematical ability. Every student is expected to master both the state and national standards for mathematics provided by the CT Common Core State Standards and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Materials Needed for class:

  • Eureka Materials

  • Math Binder

  • Lined paper (either loose-leaf or notebook)

  • Pencil with eraser

  • Pen

  • Assigned Homework

  • Planner

How the CIRCLE words at Odyssey apply to the classroom:


  • Always ask a question if you are unsure about something.


  • Be honest.

  • Don’t cheat.


  • Listen to your teacher and to your classmates.

  • Be respectful whenever someone else is talking or answering a question.

  • Respect all classroom and personal materials.

  • Be kind to everyone in the classroom.

  • Talk in an appropriate manner/setting (raised hands, no shouting, etc.)


  • Never be afraid to ask a question.

  • Never back down from a challenge.

  • Advocate for yourself.


  • Help others.

  • Be a role model to your peers.

  • Be a leader in the classroom during group work.

  • Maintain a positive attitude.


  • Complete all assignments fully and on time.

  • Be organized and prepared for class.

  • Do your best.


  • Homework will be posted daily on the Whiteboard as well as in the 7th and 8th grade tabs located above.

  • To earn full credit, all homework must be completed prior to the first math class after it was assigned, unless otherwise specified.

  • Your homework must be complete, show your work or an explanation of how the problem was solved, and have correct formatting.

  • Students are expected to try their best and to complete each assignment. If a student is struggling with homework, please let us know.

Extra Help and Resources

As always, we look to provide our students with extra help whenever it is needed. We will be available to do this during Study Hall.

Eureka Website

Parents: Click on the link above to create a free account with Eureka Math. With this account you can choose to access multiple resources to help your child through the modules we'll be going through this year.

Otherwise, the site can be used to better understand the principles behind the program and what goals we at Odyssey hope to achieve through them.


Please follow the hyperlink above to visit Odyssey's Powerschool. I will be updating my Powerschool grades weekly to make sure that both the student and the parents or guardian have the most up-to-date information about the student's progress in my class. Each grade will be categorized as a homework, quiz, test, or project grade and will be labeled with the date the assignment was due. Please email me with any questions about Powerschool or the student's progress.

Did you forget your Math Work?

In the Google Classroom link above, find out what we did in class on any particular day. If a student is absent or forgot their math work at school, the student can access the problem set assigned through this file. No more "forgetting" your book at home :)